About Us
Kindr is a group of GBTQ+ identifying men who come together in 12-Step fellowship to achieve a sober and clean life. We aim to create a safe and respectful space where we work together to achieve freedom from our addictions.
Our Primary Purpose is to stay clean and sober and help other addicts to achieve sobriety.
Our Online meetings are “camera on” to protect Anonymity for All
Kindr Meetings
Physical Meetings
Newcomer Meeting
Thursday: 7:00 pm (IST)
Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre, 105 Capel Street, Dublin 1
Share Meeting
Saturday: 12:00 pm (IST)
Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre, 105 Capel Street, Dublin 1
Zoom Meetings
Meditation Meeting
Monday: 8:00 pm (IST)
Zoom Link: Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 1571 1495 Password: Recovery
Speaker Meeting
Wednesday: 8:00 pm (IST)
Zoom Link: Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 1571 1495 Password: Recovery
Just For Today Meeting
Sunday: 9:00 am (IST)
Zoom Link: Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 882 1571 1495 Password: Recovery
Meetings Schedule
Day | Time | Title | Type | Details |
Monday | 8:00 pm (IST) | Meditation Meeting | Online |
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 882 1571 1495 Password: Recovery |
Wednesday | 8:00 pm (IST) | Speaker Meeting | Online |
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 882 1571 1495 Password: Recovery |
Thursday | 7:00 pm (IST) | Newcomer Meeting | Physical |
Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre, 105 Capel Street, Dublin 1 |
Saturday | 12:00 pm (IST) | Share Meeting | Physical |
Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre, 105 Capel Street, Dublin 1 |
Sunday | 9:00 am (IST) | Just For Today Meeting | Online |
Join Zoom Meeting ID: 882 1571 1495 Password: Recovery |
Find Us
Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre, 105 Capel Street, Dublin 1
Contact Us
You can email Kindr at info@kindr.ie if you would like to reach out.